(release 1.4)
Copyright 2008-2013 Nine Vectors.
All Right Reserverd. http://ninevectors.ortosoft.eu

Application programming interface.Camera

RemoveCamera ( cameraID : uint ) : Boolean
- Removes the camera of given ID from the scene.

Camera positioning

Camera rotating

AppendCameraRotationMatrixX ( cameraID : uint) : Boolean
- rotates the camera around X axis. The angle value is added to current camera rotation.
AppendCameraRotationMatrixY ( cameraID : uint) : Boolean
- rotates the camera around Y axis. The angle value is added to current camera rotation.
AppendCameraRotationMatrixZ ( cameraID : uint) : Boolean
- rotates the camera around Z axis. The angle value is added to current camera rotation.

Mouse move camera built in events

Following 3 methods are built in events responding to mouse movement. The first two perform an orbital motion of camera around its target within specified range of angle and the third one allow to zoom in/out the view by using mouse scroll wheel.
Mentioned methods works with "Target camera" and "Photo target" camera types only.

SetTargetCameraMouseEventRotateY ( cameraID : uint, from : Number, to : Number, multipler : Number ) : Boolean
- same as above but the camera rotates around Y axis of global coordinate system.
"Photo target" camera type
"Presentation" camera type