(release 1.4)
Copyright 2008-2013 Nine Vectors.
All Right Reserverd. http://ninevectors.ortosoft.eu

Application programming interface.Geometry handling

Geometry handling
RemoveGeometry ( geometryID : uint ) : Boolean
- Removes the object of given ID from the scene.
AppendGeometryRotationMatrixX ( id : uint, angle : Number ) : Boolean
- rotates the object around X axis. The angle value is added to current object's rotation.
AppendGeometryRotationMatrixY ( id : uint, angle : Number ) : Boolean
- rotates the object around Y axis. The angle value is added to current object's rotation.
AppendGeometryRotationMatrixZ( id : uint, angle : Number ) : Boolean
- rotates the object around Z axis. The angle value is added to current object's rotation.
SetGeometryDistortionType ( id : uint, type : uint ) : Boolean
- set the type of geometry distortion. Only one type is available at the moment - "Noise". 0 - no distortion, 1 - Noise